COPA chief: ‘All farmers should be connected to the worldwide web’
Being connected to the internet has become "vital" for farmers' everyday work, says Martin Merrild. But this should not encourage regulators to introduce new control programmes that will make farmers’...
View ArticleEurope should put data at the service of society
Europe faces some daunting challenges – an aging population, sluggish growth, an influx of migrants and refugees – yet in the age of data-driven innovation, it also has powerful new tools to help...
View ArticleEU eSkills campaigns reduce gap in the labour market
The eSkills campaigns, launched in 2010, have contributed to reducing the gap in the EU between demand and supply of digital skills jobs, according to the European Commission.
View ArticleTalking in code: An essential language for youth
Learning the language of code is fast becoming an essential skill for the next generation in our increasingly digital world, writes Seán Kelly.
View ArticleCracking the code
As EU Code Week puts the spotlight on skills needed for the digital economy, it is important that vulnerable segments of European society are not left further behind, writes Ilona Kish.
View ArticleCommission wants fast internet in schools to fix digital illiteracy problem
The European Commission has been coaxing EU countries to improve technology education in an effort to cut unemployment and help companies as they rely more on internet-connected programmes and machines.
View ArticleFive member states want EU-wide laws on encryption
Five EU countries said they want the European Commission to propose legislation that would make it easier for police to crack through encryption technology.
View ArticleAnsip: No ‘black and white’ fix to help police crack encryption
Andrus Ansip, the EU's tech policy chief, insisted today that he is against laws that weaken encryption technology, but also that there is no “black and white” solution to help law enforcement...
View ArticleUber gains key support ahead of EU Court hearing
A majority of EU governments are expected tomorrow (29 November) to back – at least partly – the ride-hailing firm’s claim of being a digital platform, opening the way for a lighter regulatory...
View ArticleHow the gig economy is changing employment
The advent of the gig economy has brought fundamental changes to the way in which we access goods and services and turned traditional business models on their head. Denis Pennel considers its impact...
View ArticleThe left must carve out its own vision for the digital age
Computers are becoming more powerful every day and are fundamentally changing our societies. We must act now to defend jobs, wages and equality in the dawning digital age, write Gianni Pittella and...
View ArticleDigital Single Market needs real skills and substance to succeed
Europe is creating digital jobs but lacks the skilled workforce to fill them. The Commission should promote the benefits of action at national level without drowning member states in red tape, writes...
View ArticleMEPs want ‘free cash’ to address job-killer robots threat
EU legislators today (12 January) called for a universal basic income to combat the looming risk of job loss by the onward march of robots, as well as concerns about European welfare systems.
View ArticleWEF member: ‘A very strong willingness exists to achieve inclusive growth’
Inclusive growth became a dominant topic at this year's World Economic Forum (17-20 January). Martina Larkin, the head of Europe and Eurasia for the Forum, admitted there is no “obvious model” for it.
View ArticleSmart farming trying to find its feet in EU agriculture
The EU Common Agricultural Policy after 2020 should mobilise both direct payments and rural development pillars, in order to pave the way for the introduction of much-needed digital technologies in the...
View ArticleAn economy of, by and for the people
Europe’s economy has clearly seen better days. Facing great technological and societal change, it is marred by a sluggish recovery and a lack of investment, write Reinhard Bütikofer and Philippe Lamberts.
View ArticleDigital revolution at #SWITCHVilnius: skills for the jobs of the future....
Which region is becoming the next big region with many tech companies? How can Europe boost the Digital Single market and get a bigger share of the global #appeconomy pie?
View ArticleSecurity is too important to trust to computers alone
Even the best security software will not keep a company’s data safe if its employees are not adequately trained. The EU must deliver on its Skills Guarantee to keep Europe’s workforce one step ahead of...
View ArticleEurope must tackle digital skills gap and labour shortages together
Most IT professionals lack the skills they need to do their job effectively. As the profession matures, we need to ensure our workforce has the skills it needs for the future, writes Fiona Fanning.
View ArticleThe Times: EU needs ‘bold leadership and honest thinking’ on migration
European leaders can't keep pretending freedom of movement is not an issue. Whether, in the context of Brexit or the migration crisis, inaction is undermining people's confidence in the EU, says Emma...
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